hi! welcome to today’s thoughts - my phone notes (& Other Thoughts) deconstructed for your pleasurable consumption delivered weekly to your inbox 💌
sesh: a session, especially a drinking session
we operate in this cyclic state of the everyday mundane and the one thing that offers us solace every once in a while (or for some every thursday, friday and saturday) is the anticipation of the sesh (because, arguably, everything that happens in the lead up to the sesh holds far greater enjoyment and fulfilment than the sesh itself - alas we indulge anyways.)
the beauty in the sesh is that there’s freedom in it: tomorrow no longer exists. another drink? sure! send that text? absolutely! repercussions? none! how liberating to exist in the moment as invincible - nothing bad will or could ever happen to you! the mindset is a group experience, you’re in it together and you’re all superhuman. the bottles are chilled and the vibes are hot x (my cringe factor is at 100 today! sorry!) and you don’t have a curfew or a bank limit.
and then you all collectively experience the humbling hangover, where you realise you are in fact very human (see above!) brené brown says there’s power in vulnerability: uncertainty, risk, exposure. be warned: although the sesh and vulnerability share those same descriptive words, the sesh comes with a hangover and a hangover is fragility not vulnerability. your soul will wilt… but you will always do it all again anyways! so enjoy your friday night kids! cheers!
library cards
library cards are the sexiest accessory you can have in your wallet! you know what else is sexy? peace and quiet. nowadays it feels like we’re surrounded by too much yapping. entering the library feels like finding a place of silent respite. to me, the feeling is synonymous with when a leaf blower finally stops roaring and you realise you’d become so accustom to the racket it had almost become your new normal, you didn’t know it was noise until it turned off. (side bar: we put a man on the moon and we can’t make those stupid things quieter?)
the library isn’t trying to be anything except a repository for books. it’s not trying to be niche or aesthetic. it’s simply a judgement free zone that exits as a conduit to FREE literature - so you should go check them out (haha pun! okay bye)
today’s ~rapid fire~ thoughts:
lana del rey x camilla cabello at coachella the pop girls are living their truth rn! all the breakups I read about on deux moi last year have cashed in - their pain is now their gain! s/o to all the boys who broke their hearts, honestly it’s been so long since I had something truly inspiring to dance to in front of the mirror while I wait for the shower to warm up!
I LUV IT live at coachella was the epitome of a peak feminine pop star moment and i luv it. it’s world class sinner/ I’m a freak adjacent and jocelyn would have killed (probably literally) to perform this with lana.
the pubic hair poll jessica defino is researching our obsession with (or without?) pubic hair and the societal norms we’ve constructed for having (or not having) a little hair.
the rachel incident by caroline o’donoghue simply excellent. get this for your next book club! laugh out loud funny, brilliant commentary on what it is to be in all consuming friendships/ relationships/ situationships in your early twenties. there was also a poignant insight into the crossroads of female messaging when it comes to sexuality:
“I wanted passion, but I didn’t want to be known as someone who was easy. I was desperate to be touched but I was terrified of being ruined.”
alex cooper got married no notes.
thanks for reading, it’s been real! thinking of you until next time… x